Charles Eugster – Why bodybuilding at age 93 is a great idea
Dr. Charles Eugster was born in London on 26th July 1919. Now he is the world’s oldest competitive oarsman and bodybuilder. Continue reading
Dr. Charles Eugster was born in London on 26th July 1919. Now he is the world’s oldest competitive oarsman and bodybuilder. Continue reading
A new meta-analysis on protein timing by Brad Schoenfeld, Alan Aragon and James Krieger has been published in JISSN 2013, 10:53. Meta-analysis results refute the commonly held belief that the timing of protein intake in and around a training session is critical to muscular adaptations and indicate that consuming adequate protein in combination with resistance exercise is the key factor for maximizing muscle protein accretion. Continue reading
Gold medal winning gymnast Epke Zonderland discusses everything from his weight training to routine practice and physiotherapy. Continue reading
Anthony Colpo thoughts on whole grains. Continue reading
Wayne Quong – 58 years old and now in the best shape of his life. Second guy on a video is his personal trainer – Shawn Adair. Continue reading
Fitness industry is built around convincing you to spend money on things you do not need. Continue reading
With Luke Johnson and Joseph Agu. Continue reading
Ryan Doris is a natural bodybuilder and IFPA Pro. Continue reading
Can flaxseed oil to replace fish oil in the diet? Continue reading
6 part video series from Eric Helms (3DMUSCLEJOURNEY). Continue reading